這幾天都一直在看健力架 因為小佳佳醒著的時間越來越長 看起來很無聊 而她又是好奇寶寶一枚

呆尼把拔在國外網站上看到這個~ 感覺比費雪的古典音樂又多了點功能

可以當小桌子 我看到有媽咪說後來他都當小餐桌 可以用到兩三歲 應該是CP值蠻高的一個玩具

寶貝綜合樂園 特價3056元 (圖2) 原價 :$3880元 適合年齡:0歲以上 產品尺寸:長54*寬54*高39cm 產品特色 : 五合一多功能寶貝綜合遊戲機,滿足幼兒從躺、坐、爬、走各階段的需求,豐富的玩具組件,提供更有趣多元的遊戲樂趣 1.新生兒階段(0~6個月): 寶貝可躺著玩,讓孩子眼睛對著遊戲機上的配件做眼球追視訓練與聽力聲音刺激。 2.幼嬰階段(6~12個月): 可坐著時觸碰與操作機上的按鈕,進行手眼訓練。 3.站立階段(9~14個月): 等孩子學會站後,孩子將使用較有勁的力道,操控機上的物件, 寬闊的橫桿支撐力強,耐操堅固 4.成長階段(12~36個月): 孩子已獨力行動自如,可將機板轉面成桌子,玩積木或操作音樂面板,甚至畫畫當個畫桌都容易,且有固定紙張的夾子設計呢!

Stage 1 躺著玩

This traditional play gym accommodates baby as he or she faces upward and stimulates the movement of baby's feet with a motion-activated kick pad. Baby can bat at 3 toys with happy melodies and entertaining light displays.

Stage 2 坐著玩

Baby can sit on the floor or in a seat to play with the electronic lights, sounds, buttons and a variety of fun activities.

Stage 3 站著玩

A stand-up center stimulates large motor skills and audio and visual abilities, while the wide built-in bar provides support as baby plays.

Stage 4 當小桌子

The play table converts to a stable tabletop where kids can work on art projects and play games.

Stage 5 畫架

The tabletop converts to a desktop easel for doodling and drawing. A large clip holds the paper in place for unlimited creativity, functionality and style.

Parent-selected play modes

The 3 parent-selected play modes help parents direct baby's playful exploration, and the tabletop locks into 12 positions for convenient transformation.


YOUTUBE上的寶寶 躺著玩



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